Celebrate Black History Month with the Columbus Metropolitan Library!
Join us all month long for engaging programs across Central Ohio, including African drumming and dance, hip-hop classes, and genealogy workshops to honor the achievements and contributions of the Black community. Special exhibits, book displays, and family-friendly activities will also highlight the richness of Black history and culture. With events happening at branches throughout the region, there’s something for everyone to explore, learn, and celebrate this February!​
We support fathers in Franklin county. We provide case management for barrier removal, career support, and financial literacy. We have an interactive workshop where all ideas and voices are heard about the journey and experiences of fatherhood. Incentives are provided for attendance in the workshops. Empowered fathers, empower families. #fatherup
78 Jefferson Avenue, Columbus, OH, USA
Monday-Friday: 8:00AM-5:00PM
(614) 224-0222
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