One Linden Report is here - let's celebrate our progress!
The One Linden Plan turned 5 years old in October 2023. Are we on track to meet our goals? The Department of Neighborhoods and outside partners have assessed
the plan’s progress. Now it’s time to report back to the community. Light refreshments provided. Please register to reserve your spot.
Ohio History Center
800 E 17th Avenue
March 25, 2025
4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m.

Linden Recreation Center
The newly built Linden Community Center is almost double the size of the old one it replaced. This high-tech facility features multi-purpose rooms, a room set aside for senior citizens, a state-of-the-art kitchen where a chef can conduct cooking classes, a high school-regulation basketball court, and next door, room for dance groups, and a music studio unique to a Columbus community center.
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