One Linden Report is here - let's celebrate our progress!
The One Linden Plan turned 5 years old in October 2023. Are we on track to meet our goals? The Department of Neighborhoods and outside partners have assessed
the plan’s progress. Now it’s time to report back to the community. Light refreshments provided. Please register to reserve your spot.
Ohio History Center
800 E 17th Avenue
March 25, 2025
4:00p.m. to 7:00p.m.

YMCA Community Strengthening Network - New American Welcome Center
New American Welcome Center
The YMCA’s New American Welcome Centers (NAWC) are designed to help immigrants—also referred to as newcomers—fully integrate into American society and prepare receiving communities to be welcoming and inclusive. NAWCs accomplish this through a combination of integration services, collaborations with community leaders and businesses, and strategies to connect and build cross-cultural understanding between immigrants and U.S.-born residents. The NAWC integration model empowers immigrants to achieve their full potential and prepares receiving communities to be inclusive through a focus on: Language and Education Citizenship Civic Engagement Economic Integration and Employment Health and Well- being Community Development Cohesive: A vibrant society shared and valued by established and newcomer residents of different experiences, histories, ethnicities and backgrounds. Revitalized: A revitalization of declining communities through the contributions of immigrant families working in tandem with their U.S.-born neighbors. Inclusive: Communities welcome and embrace all dimensions of diversity and celebrate the rich cultural fabric of our society. Globally connected: Increased productivity and a robust global economy through an expanded base of multi-lingual and multicultural workers, consumers, taxpayers and entrepreneurs. Vibrant democracies: A social and cultural environment in which all groups are accepted as equal members of society with the opportunity—and responsibility— to engage and contribute to the common good. Secure: A more secure nation where all members of society—regardless of race, national origin, or socio-economic status—live in dignity and equality.
Contact Email: nawc@ymcacolumbus.org
Contact Number: (614) 389-4707
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