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Linden War Memorial Relocated to Linden Park

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

The Linden War Memorial, Columbus’s only city-owned war memorial, was dedicated in 1919 by the Community of Linden Heights to honor soldiers and a yeomanette who served in World War 1. Over time, it grew to honor veterans from WW1, WW2, Korea, and the Vietnam War. For decades the memorial played an important role in the veteran’s community, becoming the focal point of Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day parades and celebrations.

With traffic increasing on Cleveland Avenue, the memorial’s original location became unsuitable for gatherings. Heavy traffic created a loud, unpleasant, and unsafe atmosphere, and accidents took a toll: a car damaged the monument in 2019 (which was repaired by Rec and Parks), and another crash in 2021 destroyed the entire western wing. The Linden Health and Safety Committee (LHSC) stepped in to care for the memorial, collaborating with Councilmember Remy, Susan Keeny, and Columbus Realtors to plan repairs to the monument.

In 2023, staff at the City of Columbus Planning Division also began working to find a solution to the memorial’s plight. They worked with LHSC, Rec and Parks, veteran’s groups, Councilmembers Day-Achauer and Remy, the North Linden Area Commission, and the Art Commission to move it to a safer, more accessible location. Based off of public input, Linden Park was selected. Columbus Memorials was contracted to restore and move the monument, including re-cutting the destroyed western wing from new limestone. Columbus REALTORS funded a concrete pad in front of the new site designed by the Planning Division.

A rededication ceremony will be held November 19, 2024 at 1pm. This event will included Veteran’s Groups, Mayor Ginther, Councilmember Day-Achauer, Councilmember Remy, area commissioners, honor guards, Columbus Fire and Police Pipe and Drum, AMVETS, the American Legion, and the National Guard’s 121st Air Refueling Wing. The City invites the public to attend and honor this historic symbol and the veterans it memorializes.

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